Before our children were born, they had a special conversation with God. They asked Him to give them parents that would care for them, help them with their special needs and most of all love them more than anything else. With that we were chosen as parents to these beautiful children. And for that we are honored and forever grateful. 
Thank you Emma & Harrison for choosing us.
Daisypath Anniversary Years PicDaisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

March 21, 2009

Anyone interested in clothing for body worn processors?

Some of you who know me, know I'm a clothing designer. With two deaf children , I felt like I needed to "give back" in some way, using the talent and abilities I was given. Emma was old enough when she got her first implant to have a BTE but Harrison will have to have a body worn processor. And for those of you who have small children with body worn's, you know that you have to find some sort of contraption for the processor, whether it be a fanny pack or even sewing pockets into their clothing.

I have a solution! I've designed a onesie, which can obviously be a t-shirt as well, with a pocket and opening for the cable. These are very cute. I am in the process of getting the design patented so it can be manufactured in bulk. No more visits to the fabric store and sewing pockets yourselves! I have the pocket on the front or the back. You'll have to let me know which is preferred.

If you are interested in this PLEASE comment and let me know. If enough people are in need of this, I will pursue manufacturing this!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I have been looking for a solution since we decided to go with AB months ago and knew we'd be doing body worn for a while. Poor Danny does well in his harness, one processor on each side, but the thing is just such a ... hassle to get on and off for bedtime and naptime.
